Saturday, December 31, 2011

It was time to face the scale

There was no more hiding from or avoiding the fact that I needed an official weigh in.  So, on Thursday I headed out to Weight Watchers to weigh in and face the dreaded scale to see how bad I have been.  It honestly wasn't as bad as I had thought.  But first let me go back and say I have only weighed in officially at WW once since the end of September.  I felt like I had been staying pretty consistent with my eating and with not gaining a whole lot.  The scales don't lie and when I stepped on I can't say I was happy with what I saw, but it could have been a lot worse. So, here are the stats:

Starting weight: 245.6
Last weeks weight: (Actually 11/10/11) 233.6
Current weight: 236.0
Gain/loss: +2.4
Total gain/loss: -9.6
Pounds to 5%: 3.4
Pounds to 10%: 15.4
Pounds to short term goal: 37
Pounds to long term goal: 76
So, I am ending the year better than how I ended last year.  I at least haven't put on all that I've lost, I've become more active, I've made some better choices sometimes when it comes to food.  All this to me is progress and puts me better off than I would have been if I hadn't been doing anything at all this year. 

I have also tweaked the stats a little bit.  I've added a 5%, mostly because I need to get it back out of hock.  I also wanted to explain my short term/long term goals.  The short term goal for me is to get to 199, back into the 100s, the long term goal is 160 lbs.  That is where I think I'll feel happy about myself.  Is that where I should be?  Who knows!  For me that seems like a reasonable goal and one to work towards.  I'm not going to strictly focus on that goal just for the simple fact that it seems like such a big number and if I strictly focus on that number I'll overwhelm myself.  The only reason I'm including it in the stats is to see it go down and down and down. 

So, there it is in black and white and until next Thursday we'll see where the scale goes.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Long time no post...

Well, here it is the close of 2011 and 2012 is in sight. I haven't posted anything since September and I apologize for that.  I am back to redeem myself and recommit myself.  Here are some things that have led to my lack of posting/motivation/general slacking.
  • My job
    • It's been so hard to make time for myself after working, then going home and taking care of the things to be done around the house and then taking the kids everywhere they need to go
  • Halloween
    • Stupid candy!
  • Kids activities
    • It seems like these days I am taking the kids here or there and focusing on them and have lost the focus on myself
  • Thanksgiving
    • Enough said!
  • Grandpa passed away
    • My grandfather passed away earlier this month
  • Trip to Florida
    • Vacations stink when you're trying to watch what you eat especially when you have a mother-in-law that will cook anything the kids want anytime
  • Christmas
    • Again, enough said!!
Now, as I said, it's the end of 2011 and I have made some strides to get myself back on the wagon.
  1. I've signed up for a gym membership at Anytime Fitness
  2. I signed up with a trainer and will be working with him twice a week, a post to follow about this
  3. I went back to Weight Watchers yesterday to face the scale, a post on that will be coming up
  4. I have recommitted to the GHG (good health guidelines)
  5. I have recommitted to cut off the Diet Coke and drink more water, while I will still have my coffee I am removing the Diet Coke to cut down on the excess bloating that comes along with drinking soda
  6. I am recommitting to posting more regularly on this blog whether I'm too busy or not.  I have to use this as an outlet for what I'm going through as well as a tool to keep myself honest with me and all who read it.
So, for now that is what I'm doing to make myself a priority and to get back on track.  I hope I haven't lost too many followers and hope you all forgive me for falling off the wagon.  I'm back, I may be bruised and battered, but I'm here and I'm refocused.  Here's to a new me in 2012!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I'm still here

Before we lose too many followers, I'm still here! I haven't forgotten about this blog, I just haven't had a whole lot of computer time lately. Why? I have a job! It's not full time or anything too major. I'm now working as a preschool teachers assistant. It is 4 days a week and only 2 1/2 hours a day, but I'm out of the house and back in the working world. It's been an adjustment trying to figure out what I have time to eat in the morning and figuring out what to bring for snack time. When I'm done at school it's time for lunch and I almost feel famished. It's been a difficult transition and I'm trying to figure out what works best. Right now nothing is working because I had a 1 lb gain when I weighed in today. I need to figure out what I need to change. Thanks for sticking around and for supporting me!

Friday, September 2, 2011


When I came home today from running errands this was there!
I thought I had gotten a special delivery!! 
Seriously though...I'm trying to lose weight...I come home to this parked across the I'm craving fudge bars!!  What the heck??!!!

Crystal's Weigh In

Starting weight: 245.6
Last weeks weight: 236.8
Current weight: 235.4
Gain/loss: -1.4
Total gain/loss: -10.2
Pounds to 10%: 14.8
Pounds to short term goal: 36.4
Pounds to long term goal: 75.4

I don't know how this happened since I didn't do too good on the eating this week.  Maybe it was all that bike riding I've been doing.  I'll take it and move on!  I've had a loss the last two weeks!  Maybe I've gotten off the roller coaster and back on the slide...only time will tell!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Weigh in {Crystal}

Starting weight: 245.6
Last weeks weight: 237.8
Current weight: 236.8
Gain/loss: -1.0
Total gain/loss: -8.8
Pounds to 10%: 16.2
Pounds to short term goal: 37.8
Pounds to long term goal: 76.8
At least I have the scale going the right way!  Let's hope I can keep this momentum going!  I'd like to be under 200 by the end of the year...oh to be in onederland (under 200)!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I've been obsessed with Pinterest lately and I've been "pinning" all kinds of motivational sayings and pictures.  I thought I'd share a few today to help inspire others.

These are just a few things to help keep me motivated.  I need to post these up somewhere!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Baby weight

Today is my daughter's 8th birthday.  Which led me to ponder this thought.....


Just a thought to ponder....

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Getting called out

Two posts in one day! Crazy!

I had to blog this though!

My husband is the most supportive, loving, kind, patient, the list goes on and on. He never says anything bad about me or my weight loss journey. Tonight he called me out though. I was looking in the mirror as we were getting ready for church and I looked at my stomach and told him that I needed to get rid of the fat.  I told him I've gained almost all my weight back and he told me that's what happens when you quit exercising. I said that's what happens when you stop keep track of what you eat too.

Now before you get a bad impression of him, I'll just say this and I don't know if I have ever said this or not...HE IS RIGHT!!! I've let myself go this past month and have almost put back on what it took me 6 months to lose.  He was right to call me out, I was just shocked that he did it.  He has NEVER EVER said anything to me when I've complained about my weight or my struggles with my weight.  I'm actually kind of glad he did, because it snapped me back to reality.

So, here's to getting called out!

Can't to Can

I remember as a child if I ever said the word "can't" my mom would scold me by saying, "Can't never did anything." This always stuck with me my whole life, but that didn't keep me from saying the word can't.

I can't lose weight...
I can't exercise...
I can't stay on top of tracking my food...
I can't workout that long...
I can't ride my bike that far...
I can't run that far...
I can't walk that far...
I can't

I may not be 100% back on track with everything, but yesterday I turned my can't into can. I rode my bike on Monday 5.45 miles and yesterday my friend asked me to ride with her. I was only hoping to ride one mile more than that. I started out a little sore from the day before and hoped I would loosen up as I went. I knew I couldn't go much farther than I did the day before. I actually pushed hard and we were making good time and had went farther that I ever thought I would have been able to. As we were near my house my friend went to turn and I told her to keep going. I ended up going 10.64 miles! I didn't think I could go that far! It's amazing what you can do when you stop saying you can't!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Hope's Weigh In

I attended a Weight Watchers meeting again yesterday.  I didn't track any of my food last week, but made better decisions.  I lost 3.2 pounds, which brings my weight to 189.  My goal is to weigh 150, so I have 39 pounds to go.  I would like to reach that goal by February year to the day that we started the blog.  It would be nice to meet that goal by Christmas, but February would be nice too.  There are about 4 months until Christmas and about 6 months until February.  If I can average 2 pounds a week, I will get there by Christmas!
Not only did I attend a meeting, but Crystal and I walked a 5K last night!  We can tell that neither one of us has held up with our exercising, but we got moving last night.  It was tempting to wrap it up after 2 miles, but we did the full 5K.  I was a hot, sweaty mess, but sometimes that feels sooo good.  As much as I hate to sweat, it makes me feel as though I've accomplished something.  I know it's ridiculous, but I actually feel skinnier after walking or jogging, even if it's just for one night. 
I don't think that I will be able to attend the WW meeting next week, but I will still weigh in.  That way, I will have an accurate post on my weight.  Here's to hoping that I'll weigh less than I do now!

Trying to get back on track

Okay, so after a total epic fail the last few weeks at the scale and some bad decisions on my part I'm trying to get back on track.  Last night Hope and I walked a 5K (3.1 miles) and this morning I was getting ready to ride my bike and got a text from my friend Cindy asking if I wanted to ride my bike with her.  I rode 4.9 miles (almost got ran over!!) and I don't think I would have rode that far if she wouldn't have been there pushing me.

I do have to admit that I was complaining a lot last night and today.  Last night I ate before we walked...bad idea!  I thought I was going to lose my dinner.  Today my big fat legs just don't seem to want to go up hills that well. 

One thing that I realized today is that I can't keep up with those that are much smaller than I am.  I do what I can do and I do push myself, but I have to realize I have over 40 pounds more than Hope, I have over 80 pounds more than Cindy.  People it takes a lot to get all this weight in motion!!  But I'm not going to give up and let my weight keep me down.  The only way I'm going to get it off is to keep moving...even if it does take extra effort to get 237+ lbs in motion. 

I'm even going to try to incorporate a plank a day into my routine. 
If you haven't seen this you need to check it out.  It's a good core strengthening exercise and I need to tighten up that inner tube around my waist!!  Hopefully I can do this for 1 minute every day!

So, that is the plan.  Basically starting over, but got to move forward and not look at the mistakes I've made and keep dwelling on them!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The horrible bad weigh-in day

Starting weight: 245.6
Last weeks weight: 233.2
Current weight: 237.8
Gain/loss: +4.6
Total gain/loss: -7.8
Pounds to 10%: 17.2
Pounds to short term goal: 38.8
Pounds to long term goal: 77.8

I know! That is a total gain of 6.6 lbs for the last 2 weigh-ins!

I can tell why I gained this week, but wouldn't have guesses it would have been that bad. My hormones are all out of whack this week causing me to eat everything in sight! Sweet or salty it didn't matter. If it wasn't nailed down I ate it! I think I need to post that picture of My WW leader in every cabinet, in the fridge and in the freezer, everywhere there is food I need her staring back at me keeping me from making bad decisions. Not to say that's going to work 100% of the time, but it would be pretty effective.

I've said it before, but this time I truly need to buckle down, track my food, exercise, get my good health guidelines in and start taking better care of myself. I've really let myself go this summer! I know what I need to do, I just need to do it!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Do not skip weigh-ins, Do not skip weigh-ins, Do not skip weigh-ins!!!

I need to write this 100 times, like they did on Little House on the Prairie!!
Do not skip weigh-ins
Do not skip weigh-ins
Do not skip weigh-ins

By skipping weigh-ins I think, "Oh, it didn't happen!"  Well guess did!!! 

Weighed in this week and it wasn't good!!

Starting weight: 245.6
Last weeks weight (actually 2 weeks ago):  231.2
Current weight: 233.2
Gain/loss: +2.0
Total gain/loss:  -12.4
Pounds to 10%:  12.6
Pounds to short term goal:  34.2
Pounds to long term goal:  73.2

Every week I go down, then I go up in weight.  Nothing consistent, just back and forth.  I feel like I'm on a weight loss see saw!!

Got to get back on track!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

In the Ring...


In corner 1...

 from the outskirts of Terre Haute, IN...

weighing in at 192.2 lbs...

Hope, "THE MUFFIN TOP", Massey


Lurking around every corner...


Join Hope as she knocks out obesity with a left hook to Diet Coke, a right hook to carbs, and a 1-2 punch to sweets!

So, I finally joined Weight Watchers today and attended an actual meeting.  Much to my horror, I found out that my scale is a little off, and I weigh more than I thought I did!  School starts for my kids on Tuesday, so I hope to resume a somewhat scheduled life with more discipline.  (I kind of went hog wild for the summer, which I don't recommend doing.)  Well, the summer's over, so here's to moving down a weight class or two!


Monday, August 8, 2011

Hope's Weigh In

Oh my!  I don't think that I have weighed in for three months!  I have been dreading getting on the scale for two reasons:
  1. I haven't been active at all!
  2. I have been baking and eating whatever I want, whenever I want!
Let's just say that the summer has not been good to me in regards to exercising and eating right.  June was so rainy that it was hard to get out and do anything, and then July was so hot that I hated to even venture out to the mailbox!

The kids start back to school in a week, so I will be going full force once again.  I weighed myself today to see what the damage was, and was surprised to find that I have only gained 5 pounds in the last 3 months.  I feel as though I have gained about 20!  I plan on going to a Weight Watchers meeting on Thursday, and also possibly joining a gym.  It's so hard, with four kids, to find time to do anything, but I am going to try.  There is an Anytime Fitness here in town, so that should help.  I can schedule time at the gym around my husband's busy schedule. 

I would like to say that it's time to saddle up and put my big girl britches on, but I'm actually trying to rid my life of those!  Anyhoo, I'll check back in soon with some progress (I hope!).

Current weight:  186.6

Green Smoothie

The thought of a "green" smoothie doesn't sound to good does it, but it is.

Elizabeth, my WW leader, had this recipe to make a green smoothie.  It had yogurt in it, but I don't care at all for yogurt.  I substituted a WW Vanilla Smoothie Packet (2 PP) for the yogurt. 
I know I need a new blender!  I've had it since we got married, 13 years! 

So, here's the recipe that I use:
1 WW Vanilla Smoothie packet
1 cup of water (+ a little more if it won't mix up well)
2 cups of berries (I use strawberries, raspberries and blueberries)
1/2 banana
3-4 cups of spinach
Little ice
I also add my 2 tsp of healthy oil in my smoothie (olive oil).  You can't taste it and if you wouldn't get it in any other way it is great to do it this way.

I can give you a tip that works for me, I freeze all the fruit and the spinach so that it keeps the smoothie cold and icy.  Also, don't be worried after it turns from a purplish color to brown.  It's from the berries and the spinach mixing colors together.

Here is the breakdown of the smoothie:
3 cups of spinach = 3 servings of veggies = 0 PP
2 cups of berries = 4 serving of fruit = 0 PP
1/2 banana = 1 serving of fruit = 0 PP
2 tsp olive oil = 2 PP
WW Vanilla Smoothie packet = 2 PP
4 total PP

Monday, August 1, 2011

Snack idea

I have been having a problem with late night munching.  It seems that I gravitate towards chips and salty things.  So, when I was at the store I picked up something that I thought might help with that. 
30 of these = 3 PP
That seems like a pretty good snack to me and I love the saltiness of these.  I hope to replace my late night chip habit with these.  I just have to make sure I'm drinking enough water to flush out the salt.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

My daughter's 1st triathlon

I'm so glad that my family is active and sees me become more active and now they want to do even more to be active.  I had signed Shara-Lyn up for a kids triathlon for while my husband and son were in Canada on a fishing trip.  She was so nervous the night before and didn't sleep very well and was up with the alarm the morning of the triathlon.  The event consisted of a 100 yard swim, 3 mile bike ride which consisted of a huge hill on one end of the park, and a 1 mile run. 
She was the first to sign in so she got #1 
Her transition area all set up 
Struggling in the pool 
Changing at the transition area  
Smiling after the first lap 
Still smiling
Last lap on the bike 
Here she comes
She skipped across the finish line! 
She was so hot and worn out! 
Here she is soaked with her finishers medal
So proud of her!

She really struggled with the swimming portion of the event, but made up the time on the bike.  She passed 7-10 kids that got out of the pool before she did while she was on the bike.  I timed her as soon as she got in the pool and her time was 39 minutes.  That is so great!  She's already talking about doing it again next year.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bar not that kind of bar silly!!

This kind of bar!!

I've been looking for a great tasting bar that isn't too high in points, but is filling and has some protein since I don't get much protein in every day.  So, I went out and purchased five bars at the local grocery store.  BTW, why is health food so expensive?  It seems like it's cheaper to be fat and eat junk...I'm just sayin'!  Over the course of a week I tried these bars and I'm going to break it down by bar and give you what I thought of each one.  I'm also going to rate them on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best.

Peanut butter pretzel
All natural trail mix bar
Clif Bar & Co.
5 PP (Points Plus)
9 g protein
Had bits of pretzels, nuts and peanut butter chips
I loved the taste of this bar and it was filling.  It also wasn't too salty or too sweet.  Just the right combination of both.  Very good! 
Rating 10

LUNA bar
Nutz over chocolate
Clif Bar & Co.
5 PP
9 g protein
Great taste, filling, right amount of sweetness with just a hint of saltiness.
Rating 8

Pure Protein
Chewy chocolate chip (chocolate covered)
Worldwide Sport Nutritional Supplements Inc.
5 PP
20 g protein
Looked like a candy bar, but looks are deceiving.  This one was chalky and I really didn't care for it at all!
Rating 1

Lara Bar
Peanut butter chocolate chip
6 PP
5 g protein
Gluten free
This one looked like it wouldn't taste good at all when I opened it, but looks are deceiving.  I loved this one!  It was my favorite of all 5 and I have since bought a whole package of them.  They are worth the 6 PP.
Rating 10

Clif Bar
Chocolate Chip Peanut Crunch
7 PP (a lot of PP for a small bar, but if you're need an energy bar for on the go this would be a good one!)
9 g protein
Loved the taste, but I thought for that many points it was awfully small.  But it was another favorite!
Rating 10

The Clif Bar, the MOJO bar and the Lara bar were my top 3 picks and as I said I've already purchased a box of Lara Bars.  I have also bought another MOJO bar, I loved the pretzel and nut bits. 

As always, this is just my opinion and I'm finding things that work for me and maybe they'll work for you too!

Disclaimer:  I was not compensated for this post.  I didn't receive any free bars to do this review.  Although if any of these companies want to send me some free bars I wouldn't refuse them!! 

Friday, July 29, 2011

Miles yet to go

Since starting this blog I have been keeping track of all the activity that I do.  I use RunKeeper a lot, I have it as an app on my phone but you can also go to RunKeeper's website and track your activities.  It's so nice that it tracks the mileage and the time it takes me to finish and also figures your calories that you burn.

So far this year I have logged 152+ miles!  I love that I've been keeping track because this time last year I hadn't done near that amount of mileage.  I definitely am more active this year than I've ever been in the last several years.  Obviously having this blog has helped, but you also have to want to incorporate some kind of activity in your life. 

Over the summer months the activity has slacked off, but I will be picking it back up.  Especially with several 5Ks that I have on my list that I want to do.  I have many miles to go, but love seeing those miles rack up!

Disclaimer:  I'm not affiliated in any way with nor was I compensated to give them a good review.  It's just the app that I use that I like the best.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

To track or not to track?

That is the question. 

Do you track?  If so why?

Some people can get by with not tracking the food that goes into their mouth.  Me on the other hand I've struggled with tracking.  I do really great with tracking, then I slack off, then I just stop doing it all together.  I do better at the scale when I track because it keeps me accountable for what I'm eating/drinking/exercising.  There have been several studies that suggest that people that keep a food journal are more successful at their weight loss goals. 

So, this is my goal for the track everything!  Maybe it will get me over that 15 lbs hump that I've been dancing around for the last few months!

So, I'll leave you with this thought...



Weigh in 7/27/11 {Crystal}

Starting weight: 245.6
Last weeks weight (actually 2 weeks ago):  234.0
Current weight: 231.2
Gain/loss: -2.8
Total gain/loss:  -14.4
Pounds to 10%:  10.6
Pounds to short term goal:  32.2
Pounds to long term goal:  71.2

I decided to do this a little differently.  I put up some shorter term weight loss goals.  With WW that's kind of how you have to look at things...small goals first and then the bigger ones.  So, I put on here how much more I need to lose to get to my 10%, how much more I need to lose to get to Onederland (back in the 100s), and of course my long term goal.  I like seeing these shorter term goals because they seem attainable.  One day, one pound at a time.

NSV!!! {Non-scale Victory}

I just have to post this!  I dug a jean skirt out of the closet that I've tried on a couple of times, but it was just too tight.  Then I tried it on again this week and it fit!!  I came out and my daughter says, "Ooh!  That's a cute skirt, is it new?" (she liked the detail on the side) I told her it wasn't and that I had dug it out of the closet and hadn't been able to wear it for a while.  She said, "Congratulations Mommy!" and gave me a huge hug.  That is better than any number on a scale!  I'm glad that my kids are noticing changes in me and are so supportive of me!!

Inspiration from Ironman World Championships

My daughter and I were watching the Ironman World Championship that takes place in Kona, Hawaii a week ago Sunday and we were so inspired.  Not only are the elite athletes amazing to watch as they just seem to bust through the pain threshold to push to victory, but the stories of the ones that have overcome so much to get there are amazing. 

The Ironman is a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and a marathon (26.2 miles) and you are given 17 hours to complete the whole event.  The elite, the best of the best, athletes finish in a little over 8 hours.  While that is great and I applaud them and I still was cheering them on, there are the ones that choke you up watching them. 

The mom who while training on her bicycle was hit by a car and broke several bones in her back and several other injuries.  Seeing her cross the finish line I developed a knot in my throat. 

Or the man who was a Gulf War veteran and had battle cancer and won only to have it come back again.  He made laps around the hospital ward and did sit-up in his hospital room all while being hooked up to chemotherapy and IVs.  Seeing him cross the finish...tears started welling up.

Or the woman with the stress fracture who made it through the swimming and bicycling portion and had to walk the 26.2 miles with a boot on her foot.  More tears.

Or the man who not long ago was a prisoner addicted to drugs.  He overcame that through running and now has found a better life.  More tears.

Or the 80 year old man who was competing in his 26th Ironman, even more tears. 

I saved this on the DVR so I can watch it over and over again when I'm not feeling very motivated.  It is a great inspiration.  Not that I ever have the desire to do an Ironman, but to know that these people can do it despite of their diversities, I can do anything I set my mind to.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lazy Days of Summer

I think it is so true what they say about the lazy days of summer.  I had every intention of "going back to school" not as the fat mom.  But sometimes the best laid plans fail.  It's been so hot here the only activity I've been getting is short bike rides and leisure swimming.  I don't really count the swimming since all we do is basically float around.  I've been just downright LAZY!!!  Going to bed late = not getting up early while it's somewhat cool to exercise outside = eating late for breakfast/lunch/dinner = not wanting to do anything = eating whatever is in sight = GAINING!!!  I'm hoping once school starts and we settle back into a routine things will get better.  My husband and I made a deal that once school starts we'll get up early and while he runs I'll bike to build up my stamina and then eventually maybe I can run with him.  For now I'll continue to be lazy and enjoy what little time I have left with my kiddos before they head back to school.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Brooks shoes

I always like it when people review things so I know whether they are good or not.  Today I'm giving my opinion, and that's all it is, my opinion.  I'm no expert on shoes, but I'm just giving you my experience with what works for me. 

One thing you have to know if you're going to do any kind of exercise is you have to have a good pair of shoes that fit well and that feel good while you're doing any activity.  A good pair of shoes is key.

I first purchased a pair of Brooks running shoes in 2008 before our trip to Disney World.  They saw some miles during that least 50 miles were walked in 8 days.  They held up so well and supported my heavy body.  My feet only hurt the last day of our trip, but I think that was more of the weight on them for the whole week and not the quality of the shoes. 

I love my Brooks shoes for the simple fact that they offer so much support and stability.  I have tried many other shoes and I feel that Brooks are the best for me. 

I purchased my second pair of Brooks shoes back in April just before the first 5K I did.  My first pair were worn out and had so many miles on them I knew it was time to get a new pair. 
I loved the feel of them, but I noticed that the top of my foot was going numb when I was walking and then the numbness worked it way up my leg.  Well, come to find out I really needed a wide width and didn't know it. 

Let me tell you, it pays to go to a local store that has people in it that know how to measure and size you.  I went to our local sports store and took my shoes in and immediately the lady knew that my shoes were too tight in the toes leading to the constriction of my toes thus the numbness.  So, I purchased a new pair of Brooks shoes.  They are that good!  I love my Brooks and the next time I need shoes I will definately make sure that I get sized properly to avoid buying shoes that don't fit properly. 
My newest pair that fit great!
Again, this is just my opinion, but maybe it helps you with something you've been struggling with.

Disclaimer:  I was in NO way compensated for this post.  I purchased these shoes myself and am giving you my unbiased opinion on these shoes.

Skipped my last weigh in

Yes, I did!  I skipped my last weigh in.  Why?  Well, let's husband and son were out of town (out of the country) and unavailable to speak to for 9 days.  What else was there to do but eat and eat and eat some more.  Before they left I had made cinnamon rolls...from scratch...from the Pioneer Woman's cookbook.  They were DELICIOUS...and calorie laden...and DELICIOUS!!  Also, to pass the time my daughter and I had Chinese one night, Pizza Hut one afternoon, some McDs and I made homemade pretzels one day.  Needless to say the scale was giving me some #s that I wasn't too happy, but had no one to blame but myself. 

But, I also read this on one of the blogs that I stalk regularly: The Active Artist
"Whether you weigh in or not, it doesn’t change what happened. Sure you can ignore it and hope that by working your butt off next week you’ll be back to where you were. But then, instead of having a week where you get to celebrate being back on track, you just have two weeks where you stayed the same. No lesson learned, no acknowledgement of your efforts."
This is so true!  So many times I've skipped my weekly WW meetings in the hopes of avoiding the scale and avoiding everyone at the meeting.  The only person I hurt by doing this is myself.  I need to weigh-in in order to stay accountable.  Even if I have an "off" week or two or three.  I'm not learning my lesson by not weighing in I'm just perpetuating bad habits and bad choices.  I will try my best to no longer "skip" my weekly WW meetings. 

Crystal is Crazy!!!

Oh my goodness!  Crystal had me cracking up over that last post!  Well, here I am!  A lot has happened since I last posted.  I turned 40!!  I am one of five in my family that have or will turn forty this year.
My cousin, Chad, me, my husband, Kenny, my twin sister, Heather, and her husband, Kevin
  If I had to turn 40, at least I was in good company!
I haven't exercised at all since my last post and my eating has been out of control!  I ate to celebrate my husband's birthday, my birthday, and my son, Ethan's, third birthday.  I went to Shipshewana and bought an Amish cookbook.  Yeah, that's just what I needed.  A whole book dedicated to providing delicious recipes for all kinds of carbs like pies, cakes, cookies, breads, etc.....


Here's the cookbook!

Here's the new mixer I bought to make the recipes that I shouldn't be eating!

And these are the delicious peanut butter cookies that I made using both of them!
What the heck?
I not only fell off of the wagon, but someone backed it up and ran over me a few times with it.

So that's a little bit of what I've been up to.
I think I better get back on it, don't you?

Thanks for the encouragement, Crystal!
You are too FUNNY!

Wanted...skinny or not!!!!

If you haven't noticed already there's been something, or should I say someone missing from the blog lately.  It's been a busy summer I know, but we have to keep each other accountable and I've missed my blogging buddy!!  Please come back HOPE!!!  All you blog stalkers out there leave some comment love encouraging her to come back to the fold!!  ~Crystal

Monday, July 25, 2011

Late Night Munchies

This always makes me think of that commercial...not sure what it's for...but the jingle is "Late Night Munchies!"  That seems to be my problem here lately.  I do so well during the day not snacking or binging at all, then come 8-9pm I am standing at the pantry looking for something to munch on.  I find something and that's not really what I want and then I go find something else.  By the time it's all said and done, I've gone through almost every snack imaginable and still haven't tamed the cravings.  I'm not really sure what's going on, but I need to figure something out to keep this from happening.  Maybe just go to bed or find something to do with my hands.  I've come too far to let this get the better of me! 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Non weight loss related post

Okay, so this has nothing to do with weight loss and has a little to do with me bragging on my daughter a little bit.  I posted earlier about the kids participating in a running clinic and training for a one mile run.  A few days after the Fast Track Mile was the last day of the running clinic and they had a party for the kids that participated in the clinic.  They also gave every kid a stop watch so they could time themselves.  During the party they gave three special medals to one child from each age category.  When they got to the category that Noah and Shara-Lyn were in the instructor was talking about how this person had never missed, was very dedicated, was encouraging to others and always had a smile on her face.  It never crossed my mind that she was even talking about Shara-Lyn until she said her name.  I was shocked and so was Shara!  Running is something that I never thought she would like, but she thoroughly enjoyed it! 
Shara with her instructor Kim
Shara-Lyn with her first medal
The back of it says "Heart & Sole"
Very fitting, she truly did have heart and soul when it came to running.
BTW, she is doing her first triathlon a week from tomorrow.  She is so excited and the only question she had was if I was going to be there to take pictures!  I'm so proud of her!

Weigh in 7/14/11 {Crystal}

Starting weight: 245.6
Last week's weight: 233.4
Current weight: 234.0
Gain/loss: +0.6
Total gain/loss: -11.6
Pounds to goal: 74

I have a post coming about what's been causing the gains and the meager losses.  I'm really struggling with doing good for 1/2 of the week and not doing so good the other 1/2 of the week.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Meeting Ben & "Pa" and some new friends

As anyone who reads this blog knows I have mentioned Ben several times.  He announced a few months ago that he was going on a 40 day 31 city Do Life Movement tour across the country.  At each stop they meet and mingle, do a 5K and then head out somewhere (usually Panera Bread) to eat.  I really wanted to go and meet him, but the closest location was St. Louis.  I thought it over and asked Craig if he would mind driving there so I could meet Ben and his "Pa" and he took a vacation day so we could go.  Have I mentioned how great he is?  Hes' such a great guy!  So, we headed out on the 3 1/2 hour drive to St. Louis.  We had to factor in they hour time difference and allow for traffic.  That left us getting there an hour early, which I was nervous about because I didn't want to seem eager, but as we pulled up I was glad that someone else was there already.  I also didn't want to totally GEEK out meeting Ben and "Pa", but I was SUPER excited!  I've been in such a slump for the past two months and I thought meeting and talking to Ben would ramp up my motivation.  After meeting Ben and "Pa" we started talking to the other person that was already there.  We met John.  He is a super nice guy and started his weight loss "journey" just the day before I did.  He has lost a total of 30 lbs!  That's what the Do Life Movement is all about, meeting people who are on the same path to health and fitness.  People started showing up, people of all shapes and sizes.  I have to say Ben and his dad are the most genuine, caring, friendliest and funniest people you'll ever meet.  Ben's charisma about what he's doing is infectious!  So, after a few instructions from Ben we got started on the 5K.  Ben starts out running with the runners waits at the 1/2 way point for everyone to come through and then walks back with the last walker.  So, Craig and I got started.  If you know St. Louis at all you know how hilly it can be especially the area around the zoo.  That's where the 5K was.  For being so hilly and super humid and hot that day I was happy with my time of 54:30.  No it wasn't the best time, but that's not what it was about.  It wasn't about a PR or beating someone, it was about getting together to motivate and inspire others.  Here's a few photos from the event:
Ben and I doing the "finger point"
You'd have to read his blog to understand this.
Craig, Ben and I
A big thanks again to my wonderful husband for driving to
St. Louis and back so I could have this opportunity!
Ben giving some instructions and directions on where to go
The St. Louis Do Life Movement group
As a group has lost 1,175 pounds!
The Start/Finish line
And they're off!
The 1/2 way point 
Ben waiting at the 1/2 way point encouraging all the way!
Ben, "Pa" (John) and I afterwards at Chipotle 
This is John.  It was so great meeting him and getting to know him. 
I think we've made a wonderful new friend!

So, that was my experience with the Do Life Movement and I wasn't the least bit disappointed.  Maybe next year Ben can come closer, like Indy!  We did try to talk him into doing the Indy Mini Marathon and it would be great to see him there!