Thursday, August 18, 2011

The horrible bad weigh-in day

Starting weight: 245.6
Last weeks weight: 233.2
Current weight: 237.8
Gain/loss: +4.6
Total gain/loss: -7.8
Pounds to 10%: 17.2
Pounds to short term goal: 38.8
Pounds to long term goal: 77.8

I know! That is a total gain of 6.6 lbs for the last 2 weigh-ins!

I can tell why I gained this week, but wouldn't have guesses it would have been that bad. My hormones are all out of whack this week causing me to eat everything in sight! Sweet or salty it didn't matter. If it wasn't nailed down I ate it! I think I need to post that picture of My WW leader in every cabinet, in the fridge and in the freezer, everywhere there is food I need her staring back at me keeping me from making bad decisions. Not to say that's going to work 100% of the time, but it would be pretty effective.

I've said it before, but this time I truly need to buckle down, track my food, exercise, get my good health guidelines in and start taking better care of myself. I've really let myself go this summer! I know what I need to do, I just need to do it!!

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