Friday, August 19, 2011

Trying to get back on track

Okay, so after a total epic fail the last few weeks at the scale and some bad decisions on my part I'm trying to get back on track.  Last night Hope and I walked a 5K (3.1 miles) and this morning I was getting ready to ride my bike and got a text from my friend Cindy asking if I wanted to ride my bike with her.  I rode 4.9 miles (almost got ran over!!) and I don't think I would have rode that far if she wouldn't have been there pushing me.

I do have to admit that I was complaining a lot last night and today.  Last night I ate before we walked...bad idea!  I thought I was going to lose my dinner.  Today my big fat legs just don't seem to want to go up hills that well. 

One thing that I realized today is that I can't keep up with those that are much smaller than I am.  I do what I can do and I do push myself, but I have to realize I have over 40 pounds more than Hope, I have over 80 pounds more than Cindy.  People it takes a lot to get all this weight in motion!!  But I'm not going to give up and let my weight keep me down.  The only way I'm going to get it off is to keep moving...even if it does take extra effort to get 237+ lbs in motion. 

I'm even going to try to incorporate a plank a day into my routine. 
If you haven't seen this you need to check it out.  It's a good core strengthening exercise and I need to tighten up that inner tube around my waist!!  Hopefully I can do this for 1 minute every day!

So, that is the plan.  Basically starting over, but got to move forward and not look at the mistakes I've made and keep dwelling on them!

1 comment:

Hope said...

I may have to give planking a try too. I could use some core strength and tightening.