Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hope's Weigh In

I had to change my weigh in day from Thursday to Saturday.  I am just way too busy on Thursdays to get it done. 

So, here are my stats:

Weight ~ 193.4 lbs (-5.4 lbs since last week, -8 lbs total)
arms~ 14.5 in (same)
waist~ 40.5 in (-0.5 in)
bust~ 42 in (-1 in)
hips~ 46 in (same)
thighs~ 25 in (-0.5 in)

I still can't really tell a difference in the pictures, but I can tell in my clothes.  I will keep watching what I eat and exercising.  I am happy with the 8 lb. total weight loss, and look forward to seeing what next week holds.



Anonymous said...

That is great!! I can totally tell a difference in your pictures!! You look amazing already!! Congrats on the 8 lbs lost!!

Hope said...

Thank you, Crystal. Wish I lost a few more inches.

Anonymous said...

You wish you would have lost more inches and I wish I would have lost more pounds. I guess we should be happy with any kind of loss. I need to re-evaluate my thinking about losing. A loss is a loss no matter what it is or where it is. I need to put this up somewhere to keep reminding myself of it.

Peggy said...

Great job!! Keep it up

Hope said...

Thanks, Peggy!
Well said, Crystal!

Carolyn said...

YOU GO GIRL! Hope that is awesome! You just started this, and you've lost 8 pounds? That's nuts. With two little babies, and a family to take care's a wonder you have any time to do anything for yourself. But, you are making it work, and that's awesome. We're so proud of you! Keep it up! :)

Hope said...

Thank you, Carolyn!