Monday, March 14, 2011

Crystal's Weigh in and Measurements 3/10/11

I have been putting off this post for a couple of days now.  I had a very bad week last week with the food and with the exercise.  I still tracked my food, but just made some bad food choices.  I've reigned it back in this week and am trying to stay more on top of the food and exercise, but I realized I'm pushing myself too hard with the exercise.  I've been trying to do the C25K program, but after every run I'm so winded and can't catch my breath.  My husband says you have to walk before you can run so that's what I'm focusing on right now.  I'm going to try to get my walking in and try to walk faster and faster until I work up to a running pace.  It doesn't help that last night I developed an awful cough and am wondering if exercise will make it worse.  I'm going to try it today and see if it helps or makes it worse. 

So, here are the results of my last week weigh in.  I had a gain!  I gained 0.8 lb!  I was so frustrated with this!  I am so thankful I've been taking my measurements though because if I hadn't then I would have really been frustrated with the whole situation.  I did manage to lose another 3" which brings me to a total of 14.5", but I was looking for a loss on the scale.  Several people have told me that the # on the scale doesn't matter...that the amount of inches make a you feel in your clothes matters...muscle weighs more than fat...blah, blah, blah.  I wanted to see that stupid # on the scale go down!!  On top of all that, trying to run and it's just not working for me, now I have to go back to walking.  I feel like I've taken 2 giant steps backwards.  I can finally tell a difference in the pictures and that should matter to me, but somehow I'm stuck in that mindset of wanting to see that # on the scale go down. 
THE SCALE IS MY NEMESIS!!  I am getting up right now and taking the scale to the garage and taking out the battery and when my husband gets home I'm asking him to hide the scale from me.  I know I've said that before, but I'm doing it right now.  Here I go!!  Be right back!!
That feels so liberating!  I have been addicted to the scale the last 3 weeks and I'm not going to let it dictate how I feel about the day by getting on it every morning!
Here's hoping that this week gets better!


Peggy said...

Walking is good for you also! Think of it this way, running ruins your knees!!! I think it is great that your getting up and moving!!! proud of you!!!

Hope said...

You're doing great! Craig is fullof good advice for you. He is right about walking first. As long as you're moving, that's all that matters. Do the best that you can, and be proud of your efforts. Way to get going again! Proud of you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Peggy and Hope! I can always count on you two to make me feel better. I went to Zumba tonight and I feel great! I love Zumba and now that it's so close I love it even more!

stacy said...

Crystal~you're doing an AWESOME job, hang in there!I'm glad you got rid of the scale. Once a week is enough to weigh yourself~and remember it's only a number. How you feel is what counts!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Stacy! You really inspire me! I hope one day to get to be a lifetime member of WW!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Stacy! You really inspire me! I hope one day to get to be a lifetime member of WW!