Friday, March 25, 2011

A talk with the doc

Last week when I was sick I had made an appointment to see my family doctor.  Little did I know I would be diagnosed with pleurisy, bronchitis and a touch of pneumonia!  Well, while I was there I showed him my before picture and then my pictures from that week and I also (like a nerd) showed him my Excel spreadsheet of my measurements from the beginning until that date.  He was impressed with my progress.  I asked him about losing all the inches and not losing up until that week when I lost 5.8 lbs.  He said, just like everyone else has said, that inches are better than pound because you are toning the muscle and shrinking the fat.  He leaned back against the cabinet and held out both of his hands.  He said to imagine the same weight of muscle in one hand and fat in the other.  He asked which one looked bigger the muscle or the fat, well obviously the fat looks bigger.  He said that because the fat has more volume it looks bigger, but weighs the same as muscle.  So, I've lost all these inches, but I've shrank the fat and gained more muscle tone.  He also said that the first month I won't notice much difference in the scale, but more in inches and clothing fitting differently.  Then he said the second month is when the body is getting used to all the changes and you'll start to notice more on the scale.  Then he said by the third month I should really start to see some changes and others will notice the changes too.  You have to know my relationship with my doctor, I tell him like it is and he does the same.  There's no uncomfortable feelings when I go to see him.  I've discussed this issue of weight before with him and I asked him what was different this time.  He said that my heart is what is different.  I've started this blog with Hope and it's out there for the whole world to see.  He also said that I've come to him before for a quick fix or a pill to help with the weight loss and that isn't what I need.  He said you need to do it for you and he was very happy with the progress that I am making.  I felt better about only having lost the 5.8 lbs after talking with him and was even more happy with losing the 20 1/2 inches!  Thanks Doc!
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Tiffany said...

I think you are doing great! Eventually the pounds will have to start dropping too! Who is your doctor?

stacy said...

Crystal, you're doing an amazing job! Keep doing as you are and don't worry about the scale~it's only a number after all. You've got this, you can do it!