Thursday, July 28, 2011

To track or not to track?

That is the question. 

Do you track?  If so why?

Some people can get by with not tracking the food that goes into their mouth.  Me on the other hand I've struggled with tracking.  I do really great with tracking, then I slack off, then I just stop doing it all together.  I do better at the scale when I track because it keeps me accountable for what I'm eating/drinking/exercising.  There have been several studies that suggest that people that keep a food journal are more successful at their weight loss goals. 

So, this is my goal for the track everything!  Maybe it will get me over that 15 lbs hump that I've been dancing around for the last few months!

So, I'll leave you with this thought...




stacy said...

I do try to track everyday. I may not always figure the pp+ but I write everything down. Just seeing it in black & white keeps me in check!

Pamela said...

You know my answer to that! :) Been using LoseIt since 2009 and track daily. I sometimes slack off during vacations or really busy weeks (like this one!!), but I also usually eat the same things and by now know how much and what I can eat. It gets easier the longer you do it