Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Skipped my last weigh in

Yes, I did!  I skipped my last weigh in.  Why?  Well, let's see...my husband and son were out of town (out of the country) and unavailable to speak to for 9 days.  What else was there to do but eat and eat and eat some more.  Before they left I had made cinnamon rolls...from scratch...from the Pioneer Woman's cookbook.  They were DELICIOUS...and calorie laden...and DELICIOUS!!  Also, to pass the time my daughter and I had Chinese one night, Pizza Hut one afternoon, some McDs and I made homemade pretzels one day.  Needless to say the scale was giving me some #s that I wasn't too happy, but had no one to blame but myself. 

But, I also read this on one of the blogs that I stalk regularly: The Active Artist
"Whether you weigh in or not, it doesn’t change what happened. Sure you can ignore it and hope that by working your butt off next week you’ll be back to where you were. But then, instead of having a week where you get to celebrate being back on track, you just have two weeks where you stayed the same. No lesson learned, no acknowledgement of your efforts."
This is so true!  So many times I've skipped my weekly WW meetings in the hopes of avoiding the scale and avoiding everyone at the meeting.  The only person I hurt by doing this is myself.  I need to weigh-in in order to stay accountable.  Even if I have an "off" week or two or three.  I'm not learning my lesson by not weighing in I'm just perpetuating bad habits and bad choices.  I will try my best to no longer "skip" my weekly WW meetings. 


stacy said...

Been there, done that! I need the meetings to stay focused. See you Thursday!

Hope said...

So true!