Thursday, July 28, 2011

Inspiration from Ironman World Championships

My daughter and I were watching the Ironman World Championship that takes place in Kona, Hawaii a week ago Sunday and we were so inspired.  Not only are the elite athletes amazing to watch as they just seem to bust through the pain threshold to push to victory, but the stories of the ones that have overcome so much to get there are amazing. 

The Ironman is a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and a marathon (26.2 miles) and you are given 17 hours to complete the whole event.  The elite, the best of the best, athletes finish in a little over 8 hours.  While that is great and I applaud them and I still was cheering them on, there are the ones that choke you up watching them. 

The mom who while training on her bicycle was hit by a car and broke several bones in her back and several other injuries.  Seeing her cross the finish line I developed a knot in my throat. 

Or the man who was a Gulf War veteran and had battle cancer and won only to have it come back again.  He made laps around the hospital ward and did sit-up in his hospital room all while being hooked up to chemotherapy and IVs.  Seeing him cross the finish...tears started welling up.

Or the woman with the stress fracture who made it through the swimming and bicycling portion and had to walk the 26.2 miles with a boot on her foot.  More tears.

Or the man who not long ago was a prisoner addicted to drugs.  He overcame that through running and now has found a better life.  More tears.

Or the 80 year old man who was competing in his 26th Ironman, even more tears. 

I saved this on the DVR so I can watch it over and over again when I'm not feeling very motivated.  It is a great inspiration.  Not that I ever have the desire to do an Ironman, but to know that these people can do it despite of their diversities, I can do anything I set my mind to.


stacy said...

This post reminds me of the Charles Schulz (Snoopy creator) saying:~~ Life is like a ten speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.~~ How true is that? I admire all that push themselves to do more, do something different. I admire that you've have really given it your all, doing marathons and getting out there, Crystal.

Hope said...

That is great inspiration. Tears in my eyes just reading about it.