Thursday, July 28, 2011

Weigh in 7/27/11 {Crystal}

Starting weight: 245.6
Last weeks weight (actually 2 weeks ago):  234.0
Current weight: 231.2
Gain/loss: -2.8
Total gain/loss:  -14.4
Pounds to 10%:  10.6
Pounds to short term goal:  32.2
Pounds to long term goal:  71.2

I decided to do this a little differently.  I put up some shorter term weight loss goals.  With WW that's kind of how you have to look at things...small goals first and then the bigger ones.  So, I put on here how much more I need to lose to get to my 10%, how much more I need to lose to get to Onederland (back in the 100s), and of course my long term goal.  I like seeing these shorter term goals because they seem attainable.  One day, one pound at a time.


stacy said...


Hope said...

Yeah!! Great job!