Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fast Track Mile

Yesterday my family and I did the Fast Track Mile.  We had planned to do it as a family, but things worked out to where I ran/walked with my daughter and my husband ran with my son.  You could tell when you got there that people were there to get the best time they could.  There were a lot of school teams there to see how fast they could do the mile.  That's not the reason I was doing it.  I was doing it to prove that I could and to do something active as a family.  I didn't have the best clock time, but to me that's not what mattered.  What mattered was running down the street 2 blocks from the finish holding my daughter's hand and watching her cross the finish line.  I do feel like I held her back by not being able to run the whole thing, but she did even care.  She kept saying to me the whole time, "You're doing great Mommy!  Keep going!"  That made it a little easier!  But at the same time it made me feel bad.  I'm supposed to be encouraging her and there she is my little 7 year old encouraging me and pushing me.  My husband and son did so well.  The running clinic really has helped my kids and now they love to run!  They loved it so much they want to do the kids triathlon in a few weeks.  Noah won't be able to do it because he'll be in Canada on a fishing trip, but Shara-Lyn wanted to do it.  She asked if she did it would I take pictures.  So, I signed her up and I'll be cheering her on! 

My kiddos getting ready to run!
Mother and daughter
Shara's time 13 minutes 44 seconds
My time 13 minutes 49 seconds
Father and son
Noah and Craig's time 8 minutes 51 seconds
Father and son running side by side

Next year I will run the whole thing and I will get a better time! ~Crystal


Hope said...

So happy for you and the rest of the family. What a great family activity! Shara-Lyn is always a great cheerleader for you because she loves you so much! Good job! Noah should definitely be proud of his time and the fact that he kept up with Craig is phenomenal!

stacy said...

Crystal, you truly are blessed with such a loving family. I wouldn't give any thought to the 'time' aspect of this. You were doing something as a family and that's what's important. Shara will always remember that her and her mother finished together, that's a memory worth having!