Thursday, September 15, 2011

I'm still here

Before we lose too many followers, I'm still here! I haven't forgotten about this blog, I just haven't had a whole lot of computer time lately. Why? I have a job! It's not full time or anything too major. I'm now working as a preschool teachers assistant. It is 4 days a week and only 2 1/2 hours a day, but I'm out of the house and back in the working world. It's been an adjustment trying to figure out what I have time to eat in the morning and figuring out what to bring for snack time. When I'm done at school it's time for lunch and I almost feel famished. It's been a difficult transition and I'm trying to figure out what works best. Right now nothing is working because I had a 1 lb gain when I weighed in today. I need to figure out what I need to change. Thanks for sticking around and for supporting me!


Elizabeth said...

I am still here as well.Let's motivate!!!!!! I have a better job in mind for you...WW Leader!!!!!!!!Can I put that down as a goal?
Have a great week.

stacy said...

I'm here too...cheering you on! You can do it, you've done so well so far. Don't give up!!!

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, I'd love to be a WW leader one day!

Stacy, you don't give up either.

You all are what keeps me going!