Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Here's Hope!

Hi!  I'm Hope!  I am very excited about starting my weight loss journey- blog style!  It sounds crazy to be putting something as personal as your weight issues out there for everyone to see, but I think that it will help to keep me motivated. 
I haven't always been overweight.  In fact, as a child I was very slender and wore slim clothes.  In high school, I played softball and worked out, so while I wasn't exactly a toothpick, I wasn't a big girl either...just middle of the road.  When I went to college, I did gain the "Freshman Fifteen", but was still within the average range.  My weight didn't really get out of control until my daughter was about 2 years old.  That was the year that I went back to college, for teaching, and life started getting busy.  My husband and I worked opposite shifts, so I didn't really fix meals at home.  Megan and I would just grab something, which was usually fast food.  At that time, we also lived in a shady part of town, which prevented us from doing anything outside.  Eating fast food and being confined to your home is a recipe for disaster!  I picked up weight, and I picked it up fast!  I probably gained about 50 pounds within the first four years of marriage.  Luckily, I am married to a great guy who has never belittled me about my weight.
I am now at my all time heaviest, and not happy with the way that I look or feel.  It prevents me from experiencing things with my family, which is robbing all of us of precious memories together.  Last summer, I didn't want to do anything because of my weight.  My family wanted to go to Holiday World....we didn't go.  My family wanted to go swimming at The Landing....they went, but I didn't.   On vacation, they all had fun swimming in the pool at the condo....I sat and watched.  It's time for me to take control of my weight, so that it doesn't have control of me.  I didn't have kids to be a spectator.  I want to experience life with them, not through them! 
Follow me on my journey back to me.  It won't be easy.  I have a lot to lose, but so much more to gain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We can do this! We'll keep each other motivated! I'm excited about what there is to come!