Thursday, June 23, 2011

Little Goals = Big Victories!

I decided it's time to get re-motivated and recommitted to this whole weight loss thing.  After my month of May debacle with the bad weigh ins and bad food choices and just all around bad behavior it's time to get back with it.  I'm going to start by setting some small goals.  I REALLY should have already lost 15 lbs by now and so that is my goal for my next weigh in.  In order to reach that goal I need to lose 1.2 lbs this week.  That seems attainable if I just stay committed to my allotted points and really try to work in all the good health guidelines.  So, here are my goals for this week:
  2. Exercise at least 5 out of the next 7 days
  3. Get all the Good Health Guidelines in each day
  4. Take some time for myself, whether it's reading a book or just committing myself to the exercise, that's my time and I'm going to use it to recharge my batteries so to speak
Those goals seem easy enough, but sometimes when you're not motivated enough they fall by the way side.  I did this a couple of weeks ago with my exercise regimen, but after day 3 I lost the motivation and will power.  I'll check back in next week to let you know how doing these things affected me at the scale.

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