Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Works For Me Wednesday

Or should I say..."What doesn't work for me Wednesday"? 

Hello all!  Or should I just say hello to those of you who actually still read this blog.  I am so far behind and so much has happened in the last few months.  Lots of stresses have taken place and I won't go into all of them here. 

I seems to have fallen into some of the same habits/routines that I fell into from before I started this blog.  And let me tell you the excuses are flying around here like crazy...I don't have time to exercise, I hate tracking, I've been under so much stress, those chips looked so good. 

I'm not really sure of my exact weight, but it's creeping back up.  I just got it in my mind today that I was going to start writing in a journal about the struggles I'm having and I thought, "Duh!!  Go blog about it!"

So, here I am humbly crawling back to the computer to try and regain the motivation to get back on this weight loss journey. 

I have taken some small steps into getting back into the swing of things.  I have gone cold turkey again off the Diet Coke.  It was around this time last year that I did it and I know I can do it again.  I have started having a more substantial breakfast to get me through work at the preschool without wanting to snack on what the kids are snacking on.  I started taking my vitamins again in order to start feeling better.  I am looking to planning my lunches for when I get home from work. 

While I haven't put on all the weight that I lost last year, I am starting to notice an uptick in the scale. I go again!  My goal though is to do a post a day and they will be themed posts.  Like today's post is "Works For Me Wednesday."  Here's the rundown of the new blog schedule:
Motivational Monday
Tips on Tuesday
Works For Me Wednesday
Thoughtful Thursday
Fit Friday
Sensational Saturday
I'll be taking Sundays off from blogging because they are just too hectic.

So, that is the new and improved plan for now.  I hope to stick with it and re-motivate whoever reads this blog and be re-motivated by all of you.

1 comment:

stacy said...

I've missed you, I'm so glad you're back! I'll be checking in daily so please let the blogging begin!