Thursday, May 19, 2011

Blog Stalking and Motivation

Okay, so here's the deal....  I was so proud of myself for running the 5K and had been feeling pretty good about my activity level.  I even felt that I had been looking better in my clothes.  Well, all that changed when I saw the pictures from the 5K and some pictures taken from my nephew's birthday party over the weekend.  The truth is, I still look overweight, which is so funny, because why wouldn't I?  I AM OVERWEIGHT!  Do you know why I am still overweight?  I do.  It's because I haven't been following the Weight Watchers points or counting calories. I have just been going with the flow and guess-timating appropriate calorie values for my food.  BAD IDEA!!  I have been hovering around the 180 mark for weeks.  Every week for the past month, I have been saying to myself, "I should be in the 170s next week!"  Well, here it is a month later, and no 170s!
The good news is that I do know what I need to do to lose the weight.  I need to be more active and actually count my calories.  I joined My Fitness Pal a couple of weeks ago, so I need to start using it.  Another thing that I did, today, was "blog stalk" when my two little ones were napping.  I love to read people's journeys and see where they have come from.  There are many inspiring stories out there!  When I say blog stalk, what I mean is, I go to a weightloss blog that I like, look at the followers, and click on them to see if they have a blog.  If they do, and it is inspiring, I become a follower of that blog.  I also look at the list of blogs that they follow, and click on some of them.  It's kind of fun.  Today, I became a follower of someone who lives in Moscow!  If you are struggling like I am, I encourage you to read some of the inspiring stories out there.  They can really get you motivated!  Now that I feel motivated, I am going to try to reach a goal weight of 175 pounds by the time I go to Vegas, which is in about three weeks.  Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

You can do it! I'm so glad you just called me! We all have good and bad days/weeks. We just need to get back on it and pair the exercising with watching what we eat. I'm motivated by reading this post and from the phone call!

Natasha said...

I have found that blogging and reading blogs really keeps me on track and accountable! I will check back and see how you are making out!

Elizabeth said...

One thing that I know(after 40 years+ of "dieting" WW and otherwise) is that, we have a tough time seeing our own progress.
This is the greatest stumbling block for us all, AND I think the biggest reason we gain weight back. We don't allow ourselves to feel our success. How do your clothes feel compared to when you started. Your energy level. Start journaling again what you eat. This is the hardest time...keep on going!You are an inspiration to those of us in a rut!